Thursday, April 4, 2013


Sunday, March 31st, I witnessed one of the most horrific sports related injury EVER! Unless you have been living in a cave or completely oblivious to the sports world, you should know about March Madness. If not, its the NCAA men's basketball bracket style tournament of 64 teams to determine the National Champions. Sunday, the Duke Blue Devils played the Louisville Cardinals in the elite 8, quarterfinals. Towards the end of the first half Louisville guard Kevin Ware went to close out on a three point shot. He jumped up in the air with one hand raised to contest the shot, as normal, and then IT happened.

(if you have a weak stomach you may not want to watch this... honestly)
The immediate reaction from everyone in the building makes you realize the severity of the injury. The stands went silent, benches collapsed, and poor Kevin laid there in agony. In case you chose not to watch the video, the Louisville guard landed awkwardly on his right leg after contesting the shot and broke his leg in the most gruesome fashion. Emotions of the Louisville players and coaching staff were uncontrollable. The training staff immediately went to Kevin and covered the injury as much as possible. Fans in the stands who didn't even know Kevin were doused with tears of sympathy. In the of all the chaos and emotion Kevin Ware had one simple message for his team before he left in the ambulance to go the hospital, "Just win the game". That's right, they still had the second half to play. And while the bone is sticking out of his leg, possibly a career ending injury, Ware has the state of mind to use this as motivation for his team. And motivation is was. Louisville came out with vengeance in the second half putting away Duke by 20 points and advancing to the Final Four.

After the game, social media was flooded with post, comments, pictures, and status update about the injury. In one day, Kevin Ware received over 1.2 million twitter mentions. IN ONE DAY! I wrote one of those, telling him "You are in my family's thoughts and prayers. We hope a full and speedy recovery for you and a National Championship for your team/family. YOU DESERVE IT! #GoCards"

This injury effects me in a lot of ways, as an athlete, a fan, and an inspiring basketball coach. I know I will never forget the moment in sports history and I hope some of you will keep Kevin in you thoughts and prayers.

GO CARDS!!!!!!!!!


  1. I don't really watch basketball but I was aware that it was March Madness. I clicked play on the video, thinking oh it can't be that bad...OH MY GOSH!! Poor guy, but it really shows the power of social media that so many people reached out to this guy. One can only hope he is able to play again after that...

  2. Yup.. I know that I was super shocked the first time I saw this. It totally threw me for a loop, at first I thought it was just some viral piece of social media. Not the case, this is a real tragedy for Kevin Ware and his whole career.. You know this is not the last we are going to hear about this. I am anticipating the personal interview of what was going through his mind as it happened..

  3. This video was hard to watch, I practically held my breath, I have seen pictures of the injury and my heart just goes out to Kevin Ware and his family and teammates. This looked like one of the worst injuries in basketball history. I am a sports fan and I will be following his road to recovery.

  4. When I first saw this video I thought it was a typical sport injury, until I saw his bone. It was very disturbing and I feel so sorry for Kevin Ware. I cannot believe how CBS replayed the injury on television not once but twice. I know this makes a great story but at who's expense. At least they should have censored the image and gave Kevin some privacy. Poor guy.

  5. Hey Shane, I did not see this happen live (and I'm glad) but I definitely heard about it through the mass media outlets. This story seemed to be covered everywhere, I even saw it on social media. This was such a freak accident, very interesting story. Good job!

  6. God this game was crazy, and seeing this happen was just wow. I feel bad for the kid because his stardom and career in basketball is probably over. Which is so sad, because all he was doing was jumping up in the air, something that a basketball player does a 100 times a day. it was pretty gruesome. great story to choose to post!

  7. When I clicked play on the video, unfortunately (or fortunately) it was blocked/removed. But I did get to see the opening picture on it of the leg and that was enough to make my blood run cold, definitely am not planning on YouTubing the video! But still it was interesting to read your post and learn a little bit more about the player and event, it was a horrible incident. Thank you for sharing!
